Saturday, December 5, 2009

Self Myofascial Release

What is Self Myofascial Release

Definition of Self Myofascial Release (SMR)
Neurologically release adhesions, tender spots or “knots”

1. Contractile fibers can be inhibited from releasing to normal resting length
2. This can be due to injury, muscle imbalances, muscles being overworked
3. Tension helps golgi tendon organ stimulate muscle spindles to relax

Protocol for SMR
Using Styrofoam roller, stick, or tennis balls; find knots and hold position as close to tension area as possible

1. Breathe; hold position for 30-45 seconds or until tension dissipates
2. Repetition of SMR makes it easier to bear and reduces tender spots in general
3. Potential contraindications
a. Large bruises, phlebitis, varicose veins, open wounds, undiagnosed lumps, and skin infections, circulation issues

Benefits of SMR
Perfect for clients who feel tension but whose muscles do not need stretching/lengthening
Releasing knots can facilitate blood flow and circulation
Releasing knots can facilitate proper firing patterns

SMR for Cycling
Potential tender spots/adhesions

1. Lower extremity
a. Lateral chain: calf; peroneals; bicep femoris; IT band; piriformis
b. TFL; anterior hip/quads

2. Upper extremity
a. Lats; teres major; upper middle back; pecs/anterior delts

Program Design

Sequencing release/stretching/strengthening

1. Lower extremity
a. SMR lateral chain
b. Stretch lateral muscles/external rotators
c. Strengthen medial muscles/core
- lateral lunges
- core with adductors
d. Check gluteus medius integrity

2. Upper extremity

a. SMR upper middle back
b. Stretch anterior muscles
c. Mobility/strengthening exercises for upper middle back

Suggested Reading
1. Alter, Michael J. Science of Flexibility. Human Kinetics, 1996.
2. Biel, Andrew. Trail Guide to the Body. Harcourt Brace & Co., 1943.
3. Forem, Jack. Healing with Pressure Point Therapy. Penguin Putnam Inc., 1999.
4. Myers, Thomas, W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. Churchill Livingstone, 2001.

How to do self Myofascial Release

SELF-Myofascial Release Techniques Using Foam Rollers

Self myofascial release techniques (SMRT), although not new, have become more and more prominent amongst athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.
Both allopathic and alternative Therapists have embraced the use of myofascial release massage to reduce chronic pain and rehabilitate a range of injuries. Some therapists claim a long list of benefits, from curing tennis elbow to IBS relief. While some claims may be contentious, it seems likely that many sports men and women can benefit from this regenerative therapy.
It’s important to understanding two key terms in order to appreciate how self myofascial release technique acts favourably on the body. They are ’fascia’ and ’trigger points’. Both are explored below before moving on to some sample self myofascial release exercises.

Fascia & Trigger Points
Fascia is a specialized connective tissue layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints and gives support and protection to the body. It consists of three layers - the superficial fascia, the deep fascia and the subserous fascia. Fascia is one of the 3 types of dense connective tissue (the others being ligaments and tendons) and it extends without interruption from the top of the head to the tip of the toes (1).
Fascia is usually seen as having a passive role in the body, transmitting mechanical tension, which is generated by muscle activity or external forces. Recently, however some evidence suggests that fascia may be able to actively contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and consequently influence musculoskeletal dynamics (2).

Obviously, if this is verified by future research, any changes in the tone or structure of the fascia could have significant implications for athletic movements and performance. This research notwithstanding, the occurrence of trigger points within dense connective tissue sheets is thought to be correlated with subsequent injury.
Trigger points have been defined as areas of muscle that are painful to palpation and are characterized by the presence of taut bands. Tissue can become thick, tough and knoted. They can occur in muscle, the muscle-tendon junctions, bursa, or fat pad (3). Sometimes, trigger points can be accompanied by inflammation and if they remain long enough, what was once healthy fascia is replaced with inelastic scar tissue.
It has been speculated that trigger points may lead to a variety of sports injuries - from camps to more serious muscle and tendon tears. The theory, which seems plausible, is that trigger points compromise the tissue structure in which they are located, placing a greater strain on other tissues that must compensate for its weakness. These in turn can break down and so the spiral continues.
According to many therapists, trigger points in the fascia can restrict or alter the motion about a joint resulting in a change of normal neural feedback to the central nervous system. Eventually, the neuromuscular system becomes less efficient, leading to premature fatigue, chronic pain and injury and less efficient motor skill performance. An athlete's worst nightmare!

What causes a trigger point to form?

The list of proposed causes includes acute physical trauma, poor posture or movement mechanics, over training, inadequate rest between training sessions and possibly even nutritional factors (4,5).
Self myofascial release is a relatively simple technique that athletes can use to alleviate trigger points. Studies have shown myofascial release to be an effective treatment modality for myofascial pain syndrome (6,7,8), although most studies have focused on therapist-based rather than self-based treatment.

Self Myofascial Release Exercises

For these exercises you will need a foam roll You can also get them from anywhere that sells sports medicine or physical therapy supplies.

Adductor Self Myofascial Release

1. Extend the thigh and place foam roll in the groin region with body prone (face down) on the floor. 2. Be cautious when rolling near the adductor complex origins at the pelvis. 3. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Hamstring Self Myofascial Release

1. Place hamstrings on the roll with hips unsupported. 2. Feet can be crossed so that only leg at a time is one the foam roll. 3. Roll from knee toward posterior hip. 4. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Quadriceps Slef Myofascial Release

1. Body is positioned prone (face down) with quadriceps on foam roll 2. It is very important to maintain proper core control (abdominal drawn-in position & tight gluteus) to prevent low back compensations 3. Roll from pelvic bone to knee, emphasizing the lateral (outside) thigh 4. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Iliotibial Band Self Myofascial Release

1. Position yourself on your side lying on foam roll. 2. Bottom leg is raised slightly off floor. 3. Maintain head in “neutral” position with ears aligned with shoulders. 4. This may be PAINFUL for many, and should be done in moderation. 5. Roll just below hip joint down the outside thigh to the knee. 6. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Upper Back Self Myofascial Release

1. Place hands behind head or wrap arms around chest to clear the shoulder blades across the thoracic wall. 2. Raise hips until unsupported. 4. Stabilize the head in a “neutral” position. 5. Roll mid-back area on the foam roll. 6. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

General Guidelines
• Spend 1-2 minutes per self myofascial release technique and on each each side (when applicable).
• When a trigger point is found (painful area) hold for 30-45 seconds.
• Keep the abdominal muscles tight which provides stability to the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex during rolling.
• Remember to breathe slowly as this will help to reduce any tense reflexes caused by discomfort.
• Complete the self myofascial release exercises 1-2 x daily.

CONTRAIDICATIONS: Please discontinue exercises and consult your phycisian if you are experiencing sharp pains during foam rolling. Also consult your doctor if you are pregnant, healing from fractures or surgery, have been diagnosed with osteoperosis, rhumatoid arthritis, varicose veins or other chronic conditions.


1) Scanlon, V.C., and Sanders, T. Essentials of anatomy and physiology, 3rd edition. Canada: F.A. Davis Company. 2002
2) Schleip R, Klingler W, Lehmann-Horn F. Active fascial contractility: Fascia may be able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics. Med Hypotheses. 65(2):273-7. 2005
3) Borg, S. et al. Trigger points and tender points. One and the same? Does injection treatment help? Rheum. Dis. Clinics of North America. 22(2). 1996
4) Vecchiet, L., Giamberardino, M.A., Saggini, R. Myofascial pain syndromes: clinical and pathophysiological aspects. Clin J Pain. 7 Suppl 1:S16-22. 1991
5) Saggini, R., Giamberardino, M.A., Gatteschi, L., Vecchiet, L. Myofascial pain syndrome of the peroneus longus: biomechanical approach. Clin J Pain. Mar;12(1):30-7. 1996
6) Hanten, W.P., Olson, S.L., Butts, N.L., Nowicki, A.L. Effectiveness of a home program of ischemic pressure followed by sustained stretch for treatment of myofascial trigger points. Phys Ther. Oct;80(10):997-1003. 2000
7) Hanten, W.P. et al. Effects of active head retraction with retraction/extension and occipital release on the pressure pain threshold of cervical and scapular trigger points. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 13(4). 1997
8) Hou CR, Tsai LC, Cheng KF, Chung KC, Hong CZ. Immediate effects of various physical therapeutic modalities on cervical myofascial pain and trigger-point sensitivity. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Oct;83(10):1406-14. 2002

How to do Self Myofascial Release

Self Myofascial Release

Erector Spinae Stretch
Exercise Description: Erector Spinae Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Position the client on the foam roller at the level of approx. T-2.
2. Instruct client to perform a drawing in and pelvic floor contraction to aid in spinal stabilization. 3. Once the client is positioned correctly, instruct them to roll slightly to one side (so that they are on the muscle that runs parallel to the spine and not the spine itself) and HOLD. 4. SLOWLY, the client should roll the foam roller down the side of the spine toward to pelvis, feeling for an area of increased tension.
5. Once found, the client should HOLD on this area for 30 sec - 1 min or until the muscle has relaxed about 50% (AVOID rolling over this trigger point area).
6. Once released, roll to another spot and HOLD

Gastroc Soleus Stretch
Exercise Description: Gastroc Soleus Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Place foam roll under mid belly of lower leg.
2. Cross left leg over right leg to increase pressure (optional).
3. Slowly roll calve area to find the most tender area.
4. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Lattisimus Dorsi SMR1 stretch
Exercise Description: Lattisimus Dorsi SMR1 stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Position yourself on your side with arm outstretched and foam roll placed in axillary area.
2. Thumb is pointed up to pre-stretch the latissimus dorsi muscle.
3. Movement during this technique is minimal
4. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Lattisimus Dorsi SMR Stretch

Exercise Description: Lattisimus Dorsi SMR Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Start in a side lying position with arm outstretched and thumb facing upward.
2. Place the foam roll in the axillary area.
3. Slowly move back and forth to find the most tender area.
4. Once identified, hold tender spot until the discomfort is reduced by at least 75%.
5. Progress to the next tender spot.
6. Repeat directions on opposite side.

Pereonal SMR Stretch
Exercise Description: Pereonal SMR Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Position yourself on your side with elbow under the shoulder, opposing hand placed in front of the body and opposite leg bent forward to help stabilize.
2. Position the roller on the peroneals (lateral gastroc/soleus region).
3. Leave hip on the floor.
4. Activate the core/glutes by bracing and squeezing.
5. Raise the hips upwards increasing the pressure on the lower calf.
6. Roll in either direction until a “tender point” is found, hold on that point until you feel the tenderness release by approx 75%.
7. Muscles are 3 dimensional, so don’t just roll in the same plane-up & down. You are allowed to move across the peroneal also.
8. Don’t continually roll back and forth quickly, this will antagonize the muscle and have the opposite effect we are looking for.
9. Stop on the tender point until tenderness eases.

Rhomboid SMR Stretch
Exercise Description: Rhomboid SMR Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. This serves as a GREAT THORACIC MOBILITY TECHNIQUE AS WELL. Preparation
2. Cross arms to the opposite shoulder to clear the shoulder blades across the thoracic wall.
3. While maintaining abdominal Draw-In position, raise hips until unsupported.
4. Stabilize the head in “neutral”.
5. Roll mid-back area on the foam roll. 6. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.

Sternocleidomastoid SMR Stretch

Exercise Description: Sternocleidomastoid SMR Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Standing beside a wall place roller against the wall and gently position the side of your neck against it.
2. Tilt the roller on a slight angle with the front being lower than the back. navel and squeezing your glutes. Also keep the scapulae retracted.
3. Apply a small amount of pressure to the roller in the sternocleidomastoid area, gently move it around/up & down that area until a tender point is located.
4. Stop on the tender point, once it has eased by approx. 75% move on.

Tensor Fascia Latae SMR Stretch
Exercise Description: Tensor Fascia Latae SMR Stretch
Classification: Self Myofascial Release
Instructions: 1. Body is positioned prone with quadriceps on foam roll.
2. It is very important to maintain proper Core control (abdominal Drawn-In position & tight gluteus) to prevent low back compensations.
3. Foam roll is placed just lateral to the anterior pelvic bone (ASIS).
4. If a “tender point” is located, stop rolling, and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 75%.