Saturday, August 9, 2008

Golden Rules of Back Pain..

1. Back pain is as mystifying today as it was decades ago.

Despite excellent tests and procedures, modern back specialists admit that up to eighty percent of all cases have no clear physiological cause. In fact, many pain-free people show bulging or herniated discs in x-rays.

2. Also, despite everything we know about back pain, ninety percent of us are going to have a disabling episode at some point in our lives.

3. It is difficult to predict which individual person will develop back pain.

Strength, fitness, and back x-rays are not good predictors. One major study concluded that the only predictors were 1) whether the person has had back pain before, and 2) whether the person smokes cigarettes.

4. On the other hand, job characteristics are predictors of back pain.

Jobs with heavy or frequent lifting are high risk, as are jobs involving prolonged standing or sitting.

5. There is little agreement on how to do lifting with little risk.

Lifting with the legs is easy on the back, but hard on the legs and muscles. Lifting with the back puts strain on the disks but is less fatiguing.

6. So-called 'back belts' have not been proven to strengthen backs or prevent back problems.

On one hand, they may help remind wearers to lift carefully. On the other hand, they may give wearers a false sense of greater strength, encouraging them to lift more than they should.

7. People who sit for long periods are at risk for back disorders.

The two greatest problems seem to be 1) sitting upright or forward, and 2) not changing position.

8. An upright posture with a ninety-degree hip position is actually unhealthy, from the perspective of the intervertebral discs.

For a number of reasons, the discs experience more pressure --- and the pressure is more lopsided --- than while standing. So it's a good idea to sit with the hip joints somewhat straightened. Yes, this resembles a slouch, with your rear end scootched (a technical term!) forward in the seat. A supported slouch may be healthy in the long run. Forward-tilt chairs support this posture, but so do chairs with level seats and reclined backrests.

9. Even if the hip joints aren't somewhat straightened, sitting in a reclined posture is more healthy than sitting upright.

This is because reclined sitting puts more of your weight onto the chair's backrest. If the chair backrest holds up more weight, the discs in the lower back hold up less weight. (Well-designed armrests also take some of the upper body weight from the discs.)And reclined sitting lets the back muscles relax.

10. All sitters should move around.

In addition to helping the muscles relax and recover, this alternately squeezes and unsqueezes the intervertebral discs, which results in better filtration of fluids into and out of the cores of the discs. Discs stay plumper and, in the long run, healthier.
One implication: chairs should follow the sitter as he/she changes posture.

11. The most important chair adjustments are
seat height from the floor --- the feet should be able to rest flat on the floor. (However, this doesn't mean the feet should always be flat on the floor. Legs should be free to stay in different positions).
depth from the front of the seat to the backrest --- sitters should be able to use the backrest without any pressure behind the knees.
lumbar support height --- every person is shaped differently.

12. The 'proper' chair adjustments and chair posture are greatly influenced by the rest of the work area.

In particular, the eyes can affect posture, especially if the work material is too far, low, or high. Hand positions (especially working far from the body) can also affect body position, particularly the posture of the upper back and neck.

13. Upper back and neck discomfort is often related to upward viewing angles.

For example, monitors above eye height or leaning, twisting, or reaching (for example, looking down and sideways at a document on the desk, or reaching for a mouse).

14. For people with existing, chronic, difficult back pain: all the above rules are optional, because each back pain case is different.

Rules for prevention of back pain or treatment of medium- level cases may be completely inappropriate for individual cases of severe back pain. Before accepting any advice, trust the "advice" of your own body's discomfort reactions
15. If you are a back or naeck pain sufferer, there is only one centre in kerala which can give you a comprehensive care for your problems and a complete cure for your pains. It is the one and only SCeB CAPT…………….So visit SCeB CAPT today itself as tomorrow is too late………….

How to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries

There are many kinds of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries) medical conditions that have ergonomic causes among office workers, including carpal tunnel syndrome and various kinds of tendon inflammation.Some other disorders, such as myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, and reflexive sympathetic dystrophy are believed to be the results of Repetitive Strain Injuries in some cases.
1. Because of the complexity and subtle differences between disorders, physicians don't always diagnose RSI 's correctly or easily. The most knowledgeable medical specialists for RSI 's are generally considered to be physical Therapy specialists.
2. RSI s can happen when there is very little repetitious work. Besides repetition, other possible causes include:
Holding one position. Muscles that hold a body part in position for long periods are more prone to fatigue than muscles that move a body part around.
Non-neutral postures. In this context, "posture" is the position of an individual joint, not overall body posture. Any posture significantly different from "neutral" is considered to be at risk for musculoskeletal distress. "Neutral" is considered to be the position about halfway through the available range of motion for the joint.
Localized pressure. Direct pressure on nerves or tendons can cause damage in the long run. The wrist is one location of concern. The elbow (the funny-bone or crazy-bone nerve) is another.
Use of force. Even small exertions can cause stress if small muscles are involved. Sudden, fast motions involving a jerk or snap.
Cold temperatures.
Vibration, as with hand-held power tools or whole-body vibration as caused by driving heavy equipment.
3. Keeping these causes in mind, some of the rules of thumb for preventing RSI 's are:
Break up repetitious work.
Relax. Don't use your muscles to hold your hands or shoulders in a particular position. Keep your limbs and shoulders limp as much as possible, even during short pauses.
Use moderate postures for individual joints. Stay away from positions near the extremes of your joints' range of motion --- the most neutral joint position is about halfway.
Minimize contact with hard or sharp surfaces. This is especially important at the wrists and elbows.
Don't use too much force. Notice any exertions you have to make and see if they can be eliminated. "Exertions" don't have to involve breaking into a sweat. They can be subtle, such as pulling a hard-to-reach drawer or lifting a heavy file.
Move with an even motion. Avoid snapping the wrist or jerking against outside forces.
Keep your hands and fingers warm. Consider gloves or even fingerless gloves.
Break up exposures to vibration.
4. "Fitting the physical workspace to the worker" is often touted as the best way to prevent RSI. This is an incomplete view. Although physical workstation design, physical tool design, and adjustability are important, there are many other work-related factors. Three less tangible but extremely important factors are job design, stress control, and individual workstyle.
Examples of job design are infrequent or inflexible breaks, low activity variety, and fast pace. Examples of stressors are deadlines, monitoring, and bad management. Examples of harmful workstyles (in the context of computer work, for instance) are how hard the individuals hits keys, how the individual holds his/her wrists, and where the individual places the mouse.
5. Most RSI 's are preventable and curable if caught early. The key is to notice trouble when it starts --- and do something about it. Early signs may include persistent pain, tingling, numbness, burning, or aching. The signs may be constant or may occur mostly after certain activities. The drastic cures --- such as surgery --- are not reliable and should be a last resort. Nevertheless, a health professional should be consulted when you are concerned about possible early signs.
6. Some people get RSI 's because their bodies are vulnerable to them. For example, carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be related to diabetes, overweight, thyroid conditions, hormone conditions such as those caused by hysterectomy or removal of both ovaries, rheumatoid arthritis, previous injuries, and other conditions. Smoking may also increase the risk. Anyone with any of these conditions --- particularly obesity --- should be especially careful about prevention.
7. RSI 's can happen because of non-work activities. Hobbies, sports, driving, and even sleeping positions can contribute to them. Any attempts at treatment or prevention should include a look at off-the-job factors.
8. One of the most important preventive measures is 'variety.' In other words, change posture and activities often. If possible, take breaks before getting tired. Extremely short breaks can be very helpful of frequent enough. A "break" doesn't have to be a rest break --- it can simply involve doing something else for awhile.
9. Don't follow RSI prevention rules without looking for consequences. Every fix has a drawback. Every ergonomic rule or gizmo has a downside which can possibly make matters worse rather than better. The best way to evaluate ergonomic fixes is by considering all the ergonomic risk factors described above in #2. Example: a wrist rest may force a straighter wrist (vertically) but may put too much pressure on the underside of the wrist or make the individual bend the wrist sideways to reach side keys.
10. Total RSI prevention involves ergonomics (changing the environment), ergonomics education (changing work styles or habits), medical management (optimizing treatments and return-to-work procedures), and management (monitoring statistics to find the most hazardous jobs and working proactively). RSI 's usually cannot be adequately dealt with without all four approaches happening together. Many obstacles to good ergonomics are not scientific, medical, or engineering reasons ... they are political in nature.

Aching Back or Neck @ Office…! Read This…….!

There are many employers who hear the word "ergonomics," and feel that they must spend thousands of dollars and completely renovate their office to make the necessary improvements. Actually, it takes very little time and effort to make changes that can substantially improve workplace safety and comfort of your dispatchers.
The ultimate goal of ergonomics is to prevent repetitive injuries and maximize work efficiency. But its benefits can extend to lower sick leave, fewer disability cases, and the increased morale of your dispatching staff.
Repetitive injuries can occur when a body part-most commonly a shoulder, elbow, wrist or finger-performs the same motion over and over during the workday. While the human body is quite resilient, if these movements is outside the body's normal movement range, just a few year's work can permanently damage joints, tendons and nerves.
But it's not enough to simply purchase ergonomic furniture. You also have to position the furniture and assemble the other elements into a workspace that fits your work flow, preserves the employee's health, and makes the employee feel at home.
Your first step in improving a dispatcher's workspace is simple-ask your dispatchers how their workspace might be improved. They may have some very simple suggestions that could be inexpensively implemented.
You should also consult with your medical insurance carrier for more specific ideas on how you can improve the ergonomics of your operation. They may also be able to familiarize you with state and federal regulations or laws that apply to your employees.
You should know that the federal Occupational and Safety Administration (OSHA) has released a draft of ergonomic regulations for public comment. They apply to the manufacturing and material handling industries, but also to other companies where a hazard has been identified or after an injury has been reported. The regulations could become law in early 2000, and are posted on-line now at
To get started, we'll assemble the individual pieces that make up a dispatcher's workstation, focus on arranging them for maximum efficiency, and then adjust the entire set-up according to advice of experts.
Ideally, all the furniture should be adjustable, so it works together to put your body in the proper position to type, write, or answer the telephone. However, if your budget can't accommodate a full set of adjustable furniture, your first choice in adjustable furniture should be an ergonomic chair.
Your comfort-and continued health-is very dependent upon the position of your body as you're seated. Your neck, back, hips, legs, arms and hands are all positioned according to the size, angle and position of the chair you use.
Any chair you purchase should be sturdy enough to take the abuse of a round-the-clock operation. Office chairs are simply not designed to be used more than 40 hours a week, although some premium models might qualify.
Chairs, like human beings, come in differing sizes. Larger size chairs are not only wider, but are adjustable within a range of higher elevations. You should consider purchasing more than one size of chair to accommodate the differing heights and weights of your dispatchers.
Lastly, each part of the chair should be adjustable for height and/or angle: the arms, the back and the seat. When you're evaluating chairs, examine how the adjustments work, what you have to loosen and tighten, if the adjustments are in steps or are continuous. Also check on the warranty supplied with the chair and if spare parts are available.
There are as many chair designs as there are designers. Some have high backs, some low. Other chairs have seat springs, while others use material stretched over a frame to provide comfort. All these design elements contribute to comfort, but the colors, fabrics and general design of the chair should be secondary to its adjustability.
Proper Desk
The next most important element of ergonomics is a work surface that can be properly adjusted and arranged. Workstations are a popular item of furniture now, and many manufacturers offer suites that integrate desks, keyboard shelves, partitions and storage compartments. But you can also assemble these items yourself to create a very efficient space.
The most sophisticated desks can be adjusted up and down to accommodate sitting or standing work positions. Some of these desks are motor-driven to make quick adjustments, while others require a hand crank and take a bit longer to move. You'll have to consider price, the number of persons working per day, and your ergonomic needs to determine which style you need.
The work surface should be smooth and durable, and should wrap slightly around to allow easy access to items on the desk. Workstations that are U-shaped, or that have a slight cut-out, put desktop items within easy reach, which reduces the chance of a sprain or strain while over-reaching.
If your dispatcher uses a keyboard for data entry, check if the desk has an integrated or add-on keyboard shelf. An adjustable shelf, while not as ergonomic as a fully adjustable desk, will help put the dispatcher's hands and arms in a safer position to prevent repetitive injuries.
Computer Screen
If you have an automated dispatching operation, you have other considerations besides the placement of the keyboard-the video display.
Your employees' vision will help determine the set-up for the terminal. First, you should try to obtain the largest display for the area-17 and 19-inch computer displays are becoming the minimum standard size.
Next, position the display at least 16 inches away from the dispatcher's face, to minimize potential health hazards from static electricity, attracted dust and possible eletromagnetic hazards. The display should be positioned just slightly below eye level for the most comfortable neck position.
Others Items
Before you move in the desk and chair, do some evaluation: how does your dispatching operation fit in with your day-to-day work?
Examine the flow of people and paperwork around the office. Does your dispatcher also perform public counter duties? Do drivers and office personnel frequently need face-to-face contact to conduct business?
You don't want to hide your dispatcher in a back room, but you also don't want to place the operation in an area full of distractions and noise, where they can't hear the radio or telephone. The location must be a balance between the necessity to interact with other employees, to receive and pass along the necessary paperwork, to use copiers and fax machines, and your need to provide the dispatcher with a workspace where they can concentrate and perform their best.
Items that are frequently used should be placed at desktop height. Less-used files and office equipment should be placed to discourage a dispatcher from twisting, turning or bending to reach it.
While you're considering the location, look up and check the lighting. Is it bright enough for desk work? Does it create glare on computer screen? Is it adjustable to accommodate different dispatchers' preferences? And does it allow the nightshift dispatcher to "tone down" the lighting?
Most modern offices use fluorescent overhead lights that provide adequate brightness over a wide area. But this type of lighting is usually not connected to dimmers to adjust the amount of light, and can be very irritating to some people's eyes. The broad coverage of fluorescent reflectors often makes glare a major issue for computer users.
On the other hand, incandescent lighting can be focused and aimed much more precisely, and many workers find it has more pleasant color that doesn't flicker.
Also look over your shoulder, to see if lighting beyond and behind the workstation creates a glare for the dispatcher. Public counters are notorious glare sources, as the dispatcher sits in office lighting and gazes out into the sunlight. In the long term, direct or reflected glare off a computer screen could cause health problems for your employees.
Likewise, you should check the airflow around the workstation to see if it's near air conditioning outlets or inlets. Employees who work in the midst of a draft will not only be uncomfortable, but could be subject to increased illness or allergic reactions because of the airborne materials swirling around them.
One of the most important pieces of workplace equipment is the telephone, and it can be a significant source of repetitive injuries. Scientific studies-and common sense-say that cradling a telephone handset between your head and shoulder can lead to neck, shoulder and back problems.
The obvious solution is a telephone headset. In the old days, headsets were worn only by telephone operators and cost $200 or more. Today, the headset is a corporate mainstay, and there are several models designed for small businesses that cost less than $100. They plug into existing telephone equipment, are lightweight and make writing, typing and retrieving paperwork very easy while talking on the telephone.
Now that you've assembled the furniture and equipment, it's time to sit down and begin adjusting your workstation for optimum comfort and safety. The adjustments you make will depend very much on how much your equipment can be moved up, down and sideways.
Upon first sitting down, raise or lower the chair so that your feet are flat on the ground, and your thighs are horizontal to the floor. The chair back should be sufficiently upright so that your spine is virtually straight up and down. Any armrests should gently support your forearms at their optimum position, but not bear their full weight.
Now, slide your chair in to the desk top. If your desktop is not adjustable, you might have to raise or lower your chair to obtain a good hand-to-desk position. If the desktop is adjustable, or you have an adjustable keyboard shelf, adjust those components and leave the chair as is.
With non-adjustable desktops, you may have to raise your chair so that your feet are off the ground. You'll have to compensate for this with a footrest that provides support for both feet. Never let your legs dangle off the chair, or you'll cut off leg circulation and may promote nerve damage.
The optimum position for your hands is slightly below your elbows. Your hands should never be positioned so they're higher than your elbows, because that will put tension on your wrists when you write or type.
The angle of your wrists is most important-when writing or typing your hands should be a straight extension of your forearms. They should never be angled up or down, or pointed in or out in relation to your forearm, or you could very easily inflame the nerves running through the carpal tunnel of the wrist.
The easiest way to give your desktop a final check is to put your elbows at your side, and then raise both hands as if someone said, "Stick'em up!" Now close your eyes and simply lower your hands slowly until they rest on the desktop or keyboard. That is the most comfortable and healthy position for your hands. Now, open your eyes and see how close your desk or keyboard comes to this optimum position.
Once you've accomplished these steps, your dispatcher can step in a begin working. But be sure to follow up on the set-up of the workstation, to insure it's meeting your goals of providing dispatchers a safe and comfortable place to work

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Myofascial Therapy – A Reliable Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When you are suffering from what physicians called as Carpel tunnel syndrome, they often prescribe heavy medications for your discomforts, which has gone terribly wrong in the case of treating soft tissue, bone and joint pain. The recent findings on the cardiovascular side effects resulting from long-term use of Cox-2 Inhibitors, such as Viox, have shocked the FDA, prescribing physicians and the major pharmaceutical companies. Also stomach complications associated with long-term use of most oral systemic pain medication make them not a viable alternative for long-term treatment of pain. These finding make it especially urgent to find alternatives therapies that work.
A remarkable new kind of therapy is allowing people to obtain relief from pain and suffering associated with repetitive stress and soft tissue injuries without the complications of oral medication, or risks of steroid therapy and invasive surgery. Because, the methods for diagnosing, monitoring and tracking soft tissue injury and healing have not been well developed, the conventional medical world has been slow to recognize and endorse Myofascial Therapy. However, conventional medicine have also been slow to develop treatment regimens that are effective for soft tissue, bone and joint pain that are acceptable to well informed healthcare consumers.
Today, there is an undeniable body of evidence that specifically designed Myofascial Therapy directed at well known sources of pain or injury can have remarkable results for patients suffering from these type of disorders.
A common example of well known soft tissue impairment is repetitive stress induced Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. CTS affects over 75 million people globally. It is growing most rapidly in industrialized countries where repetitive stress in assembly line manufacturing is common. However, as the information age accelerates across the globe, it has been found that long hours of keyboard use have become a leading contributor to repetitive stress and CTS. In countries like the US where information technology has taken hold, chronic CTS diagnosis is growing at a rate of 10% per year. CTS is the leading cause of lost time at work.
Repetitive hand and wrist action often results in subcutaneous tissues becoming injured and swollen. These tissues include fascia, muscle, ligament, tendon, sheaths, retinaculum and peripheral nerve and blood vessels. In restricted passages of the body, swollen soft tissue can become compressed together creating intense pressure. Adjacent soft tissue can adhere together when compressed under these conditions over a prolonged period.
The Median Nerve passes through a narrow tunnel created by bones and the carpal ligament at the base of the hand where it meets the wrist. This passage is known as the Carpal Tunnel. When the Median Nerve is compressed and impinged against inelastic body parts by the surrounding soft tissue in this restricted space, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome results. CTS sufferers deal with intense pain, numbness and lack of feeling in the hand, fingers and thumb, sleep loss and hand dysfunction—all of which inhibits hand activity at work, home and during recreation.
While Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a big problem, the conventional medical treatments have left most CTS sufferers less than content with the outcomes. Carpal Ligament Release Surgery is a great case in point, it has a less than 60% success rate. It begs the question: Who is going to take on the risks of surgery with such a low probability of success? Only somebody that is desperate. Indeed there are over 300,000 Carpal Release Surgeries performed every year in North America. Many CTS sufferers are not armed with the facts regarding the odds of a good surgical outcome. Often if repetitive stress hand activity is continued the surgery has to be repeated within two or three years. For most healthcare consumers this is not an acceptable methodology! Now there are reliable alternative for most soft tissue hand injuries and CTS sufferers.
Myofascial Therapy decompress the injured soft tissue by exerting gentle release consistently applied over several sessions. “This gentle stretching action consistently applied decompresses the soft tissue in and around the carpal tunnel and relieves the pressure on the Median Nerve.” It is the ideal way to treat your hands with a proven and non-invasive Carpal Tunnel Therapy that is natural and has no downtime, risks or complications associated with conventional CTS treatments.
Dr. Ajimshaw states that: “Myofascial Therapy is a gentle and gradual, but effective process. Even though patients usually experience relief from their symptoms in a few days, it is important that the full protocol is followed. Independent studies confirm over 95% high satisfaction with the Myofascial Therapy by patients receiving this unique therapy at SCeB CAPT.
You can take control of your carpal tunnel symptoms today with reliable soft Myofascial Therapy. So visit the SCeB CAPT clinic today and take an appointment with Dr. Ajimshaw. M.S

Anti-Obesity Mantra of SCeB CAPT

Anyone who is overweight will testify that losing weight is not as easy as it seems. The people that are lean, or have gone from fat to skinny will say it’s just a matter of motivation and elbow grease. Although it is not as simple as that. Our environments have waged war on us. Their weapons are sedentary lives and trans fats of mass destruction. All is not lost though, here are some quick simple tips to get ahead!
Substitute Water. Our bodies are about 65-70% water. It follows that water would be not only essential, but the best possibly choice of liquids to ingest. In fact, our bodies will sometimes simulate a hunger response, when in reality the body is craving hydration. When hungry, drink a glass or two of water to check if it suppresses your hunger.
Chew Your Food. Chewing our food very slowly and deliberately has several benefits that are often overlooked. It gives us the ability to relax, and enjoy our meal. Slow chewing is the first, and highly important, step in a complex system of digestion. Besides, if we eat slowly, we might feel full before finishing the whole meal, and can leave the rest for the next meal.
Exercise daily. How silly of me to include something as obvious as exercise. I did a 30 day trial with waking up, and walking for 30 minutes first thing in the morning. My journal records that I was feeling amazing during the period of time that I was following this habit.
Publicize your intentions. Start a blog, join a forum, and have other people keep you accountable to help. Tell other people your plan, it would help you get the motivation to go with it!
Create a food schedule. Plan your day so that you’re eating at approximately the same time each day. This scheduling will incorporate itself into your circadian rhythm, and aid in digestion.
Do not over eat. Know your limit and stop eating when you are full. I have often been a victim of wanting to finish a meal so that it doesn’t go to waste. This has left me with many a stomach ache. Next time, doggy bag it for later, and don’t hurt yourself!
Choose your snacks wisely. Put down the Lays® and cheese puffs. Pick up the apple and baby carrots. Make the right decision, I know you can do it.
Lifestyle. Remember, it’s not about special diets, or special exercise programs. The real secret is in turning your health into a lifestyle, and focusing on this healthy lifestyle with every choice you make.

Use our specialized diet chart and exercise programs @ SceB CAPT